
“Faces of Pharma” captures the stories behind why people joined the pharma industry.

How is technology helping pharma meet patients’ needs?

Reliance on technology has become common across all areas of healthcare. Listen to how new technologies are changing pharma and bringing new opportunities to patients.

Tell us about your most innovative use of technology.

How can pharma create connections with patients?

Community is an important part of the healing process for patients. Pharma has a unique opportunity to drive awareness & support for conditions to help patients. 

Tell us about communities that are vital to the patients you serve.

What advice do you have for someone just coming into the workforce?

With 70+ years of combined experience, our interviewees let us know some of the best advice they have used to advance their careers.

Who has helped you in your career?

How did you get started working with pharmaceutical companies?

Many people are inspired to work in pharma because they see the impact that can be made on people’s lives and have seen it happen with their own loved ones.

What does your path to a pharma career look like? Share your story